Friday, March 25, 2011

I hate about schools

What I hate about schools:
  • Firstly, I hate exams which they made me fail. Or some facts that some passed.
  • Mostly friends are so disgusting/unkind/uncaring
What I hate about my class/teachers:
  • When my maths teacher teaching, I was like huh?
  • Most of my classmates are so unkind, like they are avoiding me. Like I'm a monster.
  • My maths teacher has given me a fear of maths. Why? She is fierce and always scold people.
What I like about my class/teachers:
  • Some of my classmates are kind,friendly and funny.
  • My chinese teacher is always there to help us and the music teacher too.
  • Most of all, I like my friends I hate WY(act cute huh?),PY(didn't even want to teach me when I don't know huh?). All of them are girls. I like them as a friend: PX(:D),XP(Thanks for teaching me maths which Im weak in!), CD(You don't boast about yourself and you are mostly seen as a 'Complain Queen', but I don't)
Yea, thats all. Some of my friends I didn't want them to put in it in my 'Hate', count yourself lucky :) And the like, thats the most I like in class :D But some is not
I'm so bored and I got so many homework.. My friend, XP, she's tutoring me for maths while I tutor her for english :D Shes weak in english while Im weak in maths. Shes the highest in class,maths! Lets end for now..

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